Meet the team:

Mrs Khawaja (Class Teacher Wednesday-Friday)

Mrs Gair (Class Teacher Monday and Tuesday)

Welcome to Chestnut Class (Years 3 and 4) – where Key Stage 2 begins! We like to work hard and play hard, learning lots of exciting things and having fun whilst doing it!

Our English and Maths lessons are taught in accordance with the National Curriculum. In English, we teach all elements of writing through our topic. We explore a range of fiction and non-fiction texts and ensure books are chosen which captivate and engage the children. Some of our class reads have included ‘Varjak Paw’ by SF Said, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl and ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura. Through these texts, the children learn how to write in the style of certain authors and a range of different literary techniques to include and improve their writing. We teach spelling four times a week using the Spelling Shed scheme, which ensure full coverage of the spelling rules children in lower Key Stage 2 are required to learn.

In Maths, we follow the White Rose scheme and very successfully merge the Year 3 and 4 curriculum together so that all children are appropriately supported and challenged. We like to keep our mental maths ticking over every day and the children have great fun using TT Rockstars, both in school and at home, to practise their times tables in an engaging way. Year 4 now have a statutory multiplication check which they take in June and this is a great way to help them to prepare for that.

Geography and History is taught through our termly topics, which include The Romans, The Stone Age, Ancient Egypt and The World’s Kitchen. The children enjoy learning through a range of learning styles and where possible, a trip or visit is planned to enhance the children’s understanding and enjoyment of the topic.

In the afternoons, children also learn about various elements of Science, Art and Design, Computing, PE, Music and French.

As a Church of England school, we partake in weekly class worship, as well as worshipping collectively as a school, and our RE lessons are supported by the Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus and the Understanding Christianity programme of study. In PSHE, we use the Taking Care Project to look at Protective Behaviours, learning our bodies’ early warning signs of feeling unsafe and how to deal with this.

Phew! That’s quite a lot to fit into each week isn’t it?! But we strive to ensure that all children enjoy an active and engaging curriculum where they will enjoy developing new skills and knowledge.

Thank you for visiting our class page – we hope you enjoyed learning about life in Chestnut!