Class Teacher: Mrs. Wood

Welcome to Sycamore Class (Years 5 and 6) Here, we discover new passions and keep that special spark for learning burning bright.

Our English and Maths lessons are taught in accordance with the National Curriculum. In English, we teach all elements of writing through our topic and our chosen text for the term.  Examples of writing cover narrative persuasion, poetry and diary entries linked to our class text.  We teach spelling four times a week and use an excellent scheme called ‘Spelling Shed’ to ensure full coverage of the spelling rules children in lower Key Stage 2 are required to learn. Specific grammar is linked to all writing and reading in preparation for SATs.

We use the White Rose scheme to develop the children’s mathematical skills. Children develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving in our daily maths lessons. The children have great fun using TT Rockstars, both in school and at home, to practise their times tables in an engaging way.

In Science, we link projects to STEM (science, maths, technology and engineering) such as the space link to ESA astronaut, Tim Peake, and the Mission Starlight project from STEM.  Art has a focused termly artist and ICT is linked to all curriculum subjects but we also follow a programme of study for internet safety, coding, and Microsoft programs. One session of PE is taught by a specialist and the other by the class- teacher. Y6 are also given the opportunity to take Bikeability courses to keep them safe on the road; Y5 and 6 prepare for the Sports Hall Challenge during spring term. French continues and by now the children are practising phrases and descriptive sentences linked to clothing (we do a fashion show-in French) and describe the planets.

As a Church of England school, we partake in daily collective worship, and our RE lessons are supported by the Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus and the Understanding Christianity programme of study. In PSHE, we use the Taking Care Project to look at Protective Behaviours, learning our bodies’ early warning signs of feeling unsafe and how to deal with this and a highly rated program called Jigsaw. At the beginning of Y6, all students apply for a leadership role; we encourage responsibility and independence.

After all our hard work, Y6 participate in outward bound learning at the Pioneer Centre where they learn archery, abseiling and rafting skills. More importantly we see their confidence blossom, which helps with transition to secondary schools. Wootton feeds in to many schools, so to seal our bond we put on a Leavers’ play-much loved by all and supported by Y5.

We strive to ensure that all children enjoy an active and engaging curriculum where they will grow and enjoy developing new skills and knowledge.

Thank you for visiting our class page – we hope you enjoyed learning about life in Sycamore.