Spirituality Policy.
At Wootton Wawen, we believe that spirituality is not something that we can see; it is something we feel inside ourselves. It is about awe and wonder, asking questions and inspiration. It is being aware of something ‘bigger’ outside ourselves and our connectedness with others, the world and beyond.
This what our staff define Spirituality as:
If the spiritual ‘is properly and fully addressed, the moral ,social and cultural will fall into place more easily.’
Alan Brown, formally of the National Society.
SMSC: Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural.
Section 78 of the Education Act 2022.29 states:
The curriculum for a school satisfies the requirements of this section if it is a balanced and broadly based curriculum which:
- promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and
- prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
The definitions of Moral, Social and Cultural development are fairly well understood in most schools, but the definition of Spirituality is much more open to debate. In its inspection handbook of 2019, OFSTED define pupils’ spiritual development as being shown by:
- ability to be reflective about their own beliefs (religious or otherwise) and perspective on life.
- knowledge of, and respect for, different people’s faiths, feelings and values.
- sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them.
- use of imagination and creativity in their learning.
- willingness to reflect on their experiences.
What is Spirituality?
At Wootton Wawen C of E Primary School, we believe that it is very important to provide all children with a range of opportunities to help them develop spiritually. We believe that spiritual development may not be synonymous with Religious Education and Collective Worship, and can be explored through many different curriculum areas and enrichment opportunities.
As a school, we focus on the idea of 4 concepts of spirituality:
- Self
- Others
- World and Beauty
- Beyond
From discussions about relevant, topical, class-specific and individual ‘Big Questions, we use the Windows, Mirrors, Doors approach to enhance children’s spiritual development. The learning encountered (Windows) enables the chance for reflection (Mirrors) and finally the opportunity to put into action what they believe and value (Doors).
Why is Spirituality important?
A fundamental belief that most Christians hold is that God sent his Son Jesus to earth in human form to live in His image, and therefore they should always strive to live their lives in His image also and be the best people they can possibly be. As educators and in accordance with the Equalities Act 2010, we want to help every child to be the best that they can be and understand the importance of our duty to support them to achieve this. Part of this responsibility is to help children develop spiritually. At Wootton Wawen, all aspects of school life reflect an embedded Christian ethos and all policies are based on Christian principles and values.
What do we aim to achieve for the children?
- The children become increasingly aware of the concept of self – the inner person and the way that this shapes an individual’s perception of themselves as a unique human being. The children reflect on their own sense of self, their unique qualities and areas to develop.
- The children become increasingly aware of the concept of others – a growing empathy, concern and compassion of how to treat others. They reflect on how their values, principle and behaviours affect their relationships with others.
- The children become increasingly aware of the concept of a physical and creative world – a growing relationship with beauty through the ability to respond emotionally to experiences of the wonders of the natural world and the results of human creativity. They explore their understanding of awe and wonder and the affect this has on their perception of and relationship with the world.
- The children become increasingly aware of the concept of the beyond – a growing relationship with the transcendental and the ability to explore experiences beyond the everyday. The children search for meaning in their very existence and their place in the greater scheme of things.
- The children develop an understanding of the beliefs and values of Christianity and other worldviews. They are respectful and accepting of the beliefs and values of others.
- The children develop an understanding of the ethos and vision of a Church school and the content, language and symbolism of the Christian faith as a way of understanding our meaning and purpose in life.
- The children develop the ability to question.
- The children develop their ability to express their thoughts, ideas, feelings and beliefs.
How do we achieve this?
Effective learning in itself is a spiritual experience. This is because learning involves engagement with an exploration of a new concept (Windows), thinking deeply about it and trying to connect it to what we already know (Mirrors). If we can successfully fit this new concept into our pre-existing web of understanding, this evokes a positive emotional response. With each new concept acquired, we transform ourselves (Doors), moving forward in life a little altered, intrinsically motivated, fulfilled and inspired by the experience.
- We provide and plan for a wide range of opportunities for children to develop spiritually in all areas of the curriculum. In particular, through Religious Education, English, Maths, PSHE, Science, Humanities, Art and Music.
- We provide and plan for a wide range of opportunities for children to develop spiritually each week through both whole school and class worship. This includes the use of Lyfta.
- We also promote spiritual development opportunities through our wider curriculum, for example: engagement in Empathy Week, visits to other places of worship such as Redditch Central Mosque, Sports Week, Young Voices and through other extra-curricular activities.
- We provide areas for quiet reflection in school and in the outdoor environment.
- We provide opportunities for prayer, including silence and stillness.
- When planning for spiritual development, we always Windows, Mirrors, Doors as the 3 keys areas of focus.
Windows, Mirrors, Doors.
Windows: Give opportunities to look out on the world to gaze and wonder – the ‘Wows’ and ‘Ows’ – to appreciate and recognise the things we find amazing and things that bring us up short. Encounter: The learning about life.
Mirrors: Giving opportunities for children to reflect and look inward to consider some of the big questions of life – to explore their own insights and those of others. To consider their own behaviours and values and how these impact upon the wider world. Reflection: The learning from life.
Doors: Giving opportunities to children to respond, to go through the door of a creative expression of their own thoughts and convictions – the ‘Nows’. Transformation: The learning to live by putting into action what they believe.
With these opportunities to reflect and ‘big questions’ to consider being carefully planned, we are then able to plan a series of encounters or openings for spiritual development – Windows, if you prefer – that open up the possibility of reflection on these ‘big questions’. This may be done at individual subject level or at a whole school level.
The transformation line may be left open to record some of the expressions of spiritual development that the children come up with. This may be in the form of our class-based and/or whole school spirituality journals, through art work, written work or actions such as supporting charities, etc. This approach not only gives provision mapped out but is thoughtful and wide-ranging in its promotion of opportunities of spiritual development. It also builds in an element of progression in spiritual development.
The concept of the ‘The Doughnut and the Hole’ by Liz Mills suggests “an image which might help us see ourselves as ‘spiritual’ in the sense of being like doughnuts with holes: Holy Wholes with Holy Holes.
In our school setting, the doughnut represents the whole child. The outer ring is the tangible (body and mind); the hole represents the intangible (spirit). Yet if there was no hole, it wouldn’t be a doughnut. Similarly, without our spirit, we would not be our complete selves. The remains perhaps the best of most memorable definition of spiritual development, particularly in education; it is the exploration and development of that ‘hole’ in our centre while makes us ‘whole’.
Spirituality and God.
The language of spirituality that we use at Wootton Wawen begins from the Christian understanding that everyone is a valued creation, individually and uniquely made by God, like pots made by a potter (Isaiah 64:8). Yet in life things happen that impact on the physical ‘pot’ of life and create cracks that provide a glimpse of ‘something’ beyond the tangible. Christians would view this as an opportunity to relate to the Divine Creator God.
- Cracks may happen when something challenging happens and threatens the comforts of everyday – the ‘Ows’ of life.
- Cracks may be caused when something so good and breath-taking happens that the pot expands causing cracks – the ‘Wows’ of life.
- Cracks can also occur in the stillness and ordinariness of everyday – the ‘Nows’ of life, when a moment of stillness, a pause or prayer can create a crack in the normal, physical every day.
Kintsugi, the Japanese art of mending broken ceramics with golden joinery, makes something broken into something differently beautiful and even more valuable. Using this metaphor, the ‘Ows’, ‘Wows’ and ‘Nows’ of life offer the possibility of becoming cracks that are filled with gold, adding significance and value to life.
Spirituality in Collective Worship.
Collective Worship is at the heart of our school. It provides an opportunity for our school community to come together and share experiences, ideas and understanding. It is the context in which the language of spirituality which we use as a school is regularly and explicitly shared. It reminds us every day of our Christian values and how we can make the day and ourselves the best possible.
Collective Worship provides the opportunity for pupils to become aware of the importance of reflection and how our positive and negative experiences can be developmental. It also provides a real sense of being present which is often linked to invitations to pray. Through daily Collective Worship, pupils are offered a space and a place for hearing the Christian story. They are offered an understanding of worship by being invited to participate in, or observe, Christian spiritual practices such as: prayer, reading and reflection on the Bible and liturgy. Opportunities to reflect of the values of life, such as courage and perseverance, are given.
Pupils are given time to consider their responsibilities to others and to grow in love and service. Time is given for celebration, both for accomplishments of the children (both inside and outside of school), and also to mark seasonal Christian festivals. In this way, pupils are offered time to be able to contemplate and develop spiritually. Collective Worship at Wootton Wawen is invitational, inspirational and inclusive.
Spirituality in the Curriculum.
Religious Education:
The Church of England’s Statement of Entitlement outlines the aims and expectation for Religious Education in Church of England Schools, and thereby guides our school’s approach to RE and spirituality. Learning activities in RE provide for the needs of all pupils, offering a safe space to explore their own personal religious worldview, along with their own spiritual and/or philosophical way of seeing, living and thinking, believing and belonging. They provide opportunities to engage in meaningful and informed dialogue with those of a range of religious and non-religious worldviews, linking these to pupils’ ideas of spirituality.
We follow the locally agreed RE syllabus alongside the understanding Christianity programme. We foster respect for different worldviews and traditions. Children are encouraged to reflect deeply on their own spirituality, ask meaningful questions and develop a well-rounded understanding of different well views. Students gain insight into how different cultures and beliefs shape people's lives and values. This helps them to develop empathy, appreciation for diversity and a thoughtful perspective on their own beliefs. Religious Education nurtures their spiritual growth, encouraging them to think critically and compassionately about the world around them. For further details, please refer to our Religious Education Policy, Collective Worship policy and The Church of England’s Statement of Entitlement.
We follow Jigsaw which develops spirituality by focusing on the holistic growth of each child, nurturing their emotional literacy, well-being and sense of uniqueness. By helping children understand and value themselves, jigsaw encourages self-reflection and self-awareness, key components of spiritual development. It also promotes positive relationships, empathy and social skills, fostering a sense of connection with others.
Through its focus on mindfulness, emotional regulation and self empowerment, jigsaw enables children to develop inner peace, resilience and a deeper understanding of their place in the world. This supports spiritual growth as children reflect on their own experiences, build meaningful relationships and approach life with a sense of purpose and agency.
Our termly use of the Taking Care Project and looking at protective behaviours also enables children to foster a deeper understanding of the ‘Wows’ and ‘Ows’ that they may experience during life, and encourages them to think about the ‘Nows’, in terms of how they can safely and effectively manage things such as their early warning signs.
Pupils respond to poems, stories and various other texts through Reading VIPERS: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising. This encourages them to think on a deeper level about the implicit and explicit elements of literature. In reading a range of high-quality, age-appropriate texts, children enjoy and appreciate the beauty of language and the moments of awe and wonder this can create in a reader's mind.
Pupils make connections between numeracy skills and real life, for example, pie charts could compare how a child who lives in a developing country spends their day with how a child in the UK spend theirs. Students are able to consider pattern, order, symmetry and scale, both man-made and in the natural world. This helps to foster an appreciation of the beauty of shape and space full stop
Our science curriculum is full of opportunities that evoke all and wonder about the natural world. Engaging in hands-on investigation fosters curiosity and encourages students to be present in their learning.
Studying diverse cultures, landscapes and the planets features lead to moments of wonder and inspire a sense of global citizenship. By exploring human impact on the environment, such as deforestation or urbanisation, students are prompted to reflect on ethical considerations on their personal contributions to global issues full stop field work and outdoor learning experiences help students to connect directly with their environment.
Discovering significant historical events and figures creates moments of wonder about human achievements and resilience. Learning about various cultures, traditions and pivotal moments in history inspires reflection and curiosity about the human experience. Reflecting on historical injustices and struggles prompts students to engage with complex moral questions, such as fairness, equality and the consequences of actions throughout time. Engaging in learning about past events encourages students to connect their own lives to the broader human story.
Art allows children to explore themes of beauty and identity while fostering personal reflection and creativity. There are many opportunities to experience awe and wonder and consider both ‘Wows’ and ‘Ows’ when appreciating the work of famous artists as well as their own and that of their peers.
Design and Technology:
Design and Technology enables students to enjoy and celebrate their own and each other’s personal creativity. It allows a range of awe and wonder experiences, thus supporting their recognition of ‘Ows’ and ‘Wows’. Pupils are encouraged to review and evaluate things that they have created, thus enabling them to consider carefully the Now’ moments of life.
Music enables children to engage with sounds and rhythms that resonate with their feelings, promoting an understanding of harmony, conflict and community through singing, playing instruments and composing. The scheme we follow for music, Kapow, also allows children 2 experience a range of different musical styles from a range of time periods and cultures. This helps to promote moments of awe and wonder, encouraging pupils to look more deeply into why and how a piece of music has been created. This lends itself to children thinking more deeply about the ‘Ows’ and ‘Wows’.
We follow the scheme purple mash, which encourages students to wonder at the power of the digital age for instance use of the Internet and social media. Children's understanding of the ‘Wows’ and ‘Ows’ are further fostered by developing their understanding of the advantages and limitations of ICT. This is further supported by using the Internet as a gateway to real life issues and how these may impact upon them both in the near and more distant future, thus allowing the children to also more deeply consider the ‘Nows’.
Through the use of Real PE, Real Gym and Real Dance, students are able to delight in movement and physical development. This is particularly true when pupils are able to show spontaneity, be through creating that a dance or gymnastics routine or their own version of a team game. By taking part in activities such as dance, games and gymnastics, children are able to become more focused, connected and creative. Physical Education also allows them to develop an awareness of their own strengths and limitations, thus helping them to develop their understanding of the ‘Wow’s, ‘Ows’ and ‘Nows’.
Our Early Start French scheme used in Key Stage 2 allows pupils to explore the beauty of language and the way in which it is constructed. This promotes awe and wonder.